- 2014.02.28
Important dates:
Registration & Abstract submission opens:
March 910:00 (Japan Standard Time), March 10Deadline for early registration: May 9
Deadline for late registration: June 30
(On and after May 10, registration fee will be higher)
Deadline for abstract submission: May 9
Deadline for Financial Aid applications:
May 9April 15Deadline for reservation of hotels: June 30
- 2014.02.11
If you would like to organize a workshop at the Development Topic Meeting/Asia-Pacific Meeting, please contact one of the meeting organizers by April 30.
- 2014.01.29
Registration page has been updated.
- 2014.01.27
Program and Sponsorship pages have been updated.
- 2013.12.20
Airfare discount for meeting attendees on flights from USA is added.
- 2013.10.9
C. elegans Development, Cell Biology and Gene Expression Meeting & Asia-Pacific C. elegans Meeting official website has been opened.